Voxel Quest: Another Update; Project to be Open Sourced

Gavan Woolery has posted another update to the Voxel Quest website. It’s a mix of good news and bad news where the future of the project is concerned. Bad news first:
I have talked to some people (in the forums, email, and elsewhere) about the current status but otherwise apologize for the silence. Basically for the past month I have been busy hunting for jobs and doing associated prep work or tasks. I also tried to get VQ funded via other means (licensing) but that did not work out. I am moving on to a fulltime job, so I am deciding to cancel the Patreon (and I will refund everyone’s money here and elsewhere, of course). I don’t feel right taking money when I probably won’t have much time or energy to devote to the project.
…I will probably cancel my Patreon before the next pledge cycle so you don’t need to necessarily manage your pledge, it should be automatically canceled soon. The Patreon peaked at $450/month, which I am really surprised at, although I expressed concern with starting it in the first place and turns out those concerns were valid. I will also soon organize a method for refunds (both for Patreon and everything else). Any questions or concerns, as usual, do not hesitate to contact me. Again, my goal is to keep everyone happy so let me know what I can do in that respect.
In other words, it looks like work on Voxel Quest will be coming, more or less, to a halt. Out of that, however, there is some good news:
The good news is that I am making all of Voxel Quest fully open source (MIT or similar, every iteration of the engine will be available), and I am doing a little bit of work to make things ready for this (I am even attempting to buy rights to the sprite sheet that Voxel Quest uses, which is a 3rd party asset). Stay tuned for more on this. I can’t express how thankful I am that you chose to support me, and I hope that the years of work I put into VQ and all its source will be a small token of my gratitude.
I am not fully abandoning VQ – I will attempt to provide as much support as I reasonably can to help people understand the source, and I will also probably chip in on the github repository every so often. But overall I will not be making great strides in the short term. I am hoping that someone can eventually make a commercial product with it, and that might kick up interest a bit.
Okay, maybe not quite to a complete halt; it will be good to see the project up on GitHub. Still, for as promising and ambitious a project as Voxel Quest was, it’s kind of sad to see it end up in these circumstances.
This guy sounds and acts ridiculously nice. This game needed some aggressive marketing and it could’ve been HUGE. I was really excited for it too. It’s such a shame. Hopefully someone picks up where he left off.