Tales from Sosaria: Episode 4 Cover; Episode 3 Sample Page

Damien Barban has been hard at work on his Tales from Sosaria series of comics. He recently teased the Ultima Dragons Facebook group with the cover art for the fourth instalment in the series:
Sorry for being a bit slow in the release of the episode III of my Tales from Sosaria comicbook, but it will be ready very soon. I also finalized the cover of the episode IV, here it is…
The cover can be seen above. As Damien notes in his post, work on the third episode of the series is also progressing; he even shared a sample page from that comic:
Still working on the third episode of Tales from Sosaria… Here is the work in progress.
The sample page can also be seen above, on the right. For those of you who are curious about how Damien goes about composing the art for his comics, he also uploaded a video showing some quick sketching he did for a page.
Wow, this is what I miss after dumping facebook and taking a break. Must catch up, this art and idea looks very nice. @Damien Barban great work!
Have you seen his Ultima 7 comic?
Wow, no, I sure had not. But now I sure have and for everyone else: