Nuvie: Martian Dreams Logic; Internationalization; Ultima 6 Bug Fixes

Since moving the project over to GitHub, Eric and the rest of the Nuvie team have been hard at work improving upon the engine’s support for Martian Dreams:
2015-08-24 Eric Fry
* Added CMake build file. (OS X specific at the moment)
* MD Fixed Coker walk frames.
* Fixed some C++11 compile errors.
2015-08-30 Eric Fry
* Started on MD sit logic
* Starting moving player “Pass!” logic into lua script.
* Added internationalisation files for U6 and SE
* Added new player.lua script file.
* Fixed crash when trying to use garg font in WOU games.
* Fixed crash when invalid coordinates are passed to objs_at_loc()
script function.
* Move actors along the conveyor belt in MD
2015-09-08 Eric Fry
* Added anim_play() and anim_stop() script functions.
* MD work on power activation logic
2015-09-10 Eric Fry
* MD turn off power when conveyor belt stops.
2015-09-17 Eric Fry
* MD work on attack/defence script logic
2015-09-18 Eric Fry
* MD more work on attack/defence script logic
2015-09-21 Eric Fry
* More work on MD map damage logic
* changed tile_get_flag() script func to use the original tile
* Added tile_num_original object getter method to return original
tile number.
Most recently, Eric also corrected what has evidently been a long-standing bug with Nuvie’s handling of the inventories of the guards in Ultima 6 (not that any of us make sport of killing and looting the guards…no…):
2015-10-23 Eric Fry
* Fixed bug with incorrect inventory items for U6 guards. Thanks to Quentinak for pointing it out. I think I may have been experimenting with the original exe and changed them then forgot about it and copied the new values into Nuvie. Guards now have crossbows, halberds and gold coins instead of torches, firewands and chests.
One wonders whether the guards would be tougher opponents if they came at you with fire wands?
You can follow the latest updates and progress made on Nuvie via the project’s changelog.