Crowfall: Mike McShaffry Is On the Development Team


Former Origin Systems developer Mike McShaffry (check out the Codex’s interview with him!) announced, on his Facebook page, that he is helping out with development of the recently-announced MMORPG, Crowfall.

Sadly, he isn’t in a position to let slip any more details about the game beyond what has already been revealed (which, again, is not much). Still, it’s nice to see another Origin connection for the game, isn’t it?

Oh, and if you check out the interview, you’ll notice that he teases his involvement with Crowfall toward the end:

…you know, the funny thing about consoles now is that it’s starting to get really hard to get console gigs. And what’s really heating up now is doing games on Android and iOS…mobile and tablet. And that’s what I’m working on right now. I’m working on social games, and working on a stealth startup with two really, really good people here in the Austin area: Gordon Walton of Star Wars: Galaxies fame, and Todd Coleman, who did Wizard101 at KingsIsle. And so we’ve come together to form a little company, and we’re going to do social games on mobile, where you can play with your friends. It’s really cool stuff.

So will Crowfall be targeted at mobile devices? Or has it, like Shroud of the Avatar shifted focus; is it now a PC game?

1 Response

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    He has some good credentials:

    The “social” aspect is just networking logic, so he could contribute to a pocket or PC-style MMO equally well if that’s his strength. The game could have customized client apps for mobile and PC that communicate with the same servers, increasing their market and unifying the player base while delivering a device-appropriate experience.