Shroud of the Avatar: Unity Scene Jam #4 Winners Announced

The fourth Shroud of the Avatar-themed, Portalarium-sponsored Unity Scene Jam took place a couple of weekends ago, and Portalarium have announced the winners as part of their most recent website update:

For Scene Jam IV, the challenge was to pick any piece of Stephen Daniele’s concept art, create it in Unity, and tell the rest of the story. Show us what lies beyond that mouth to the cave, what is behind those ruined castle walls, or what lies deeper into that forest.

Once again, we had many exciting submissions! After long and careful evaluation, we are pleased to announce the winners of Unity Scene Jam IV:

  • Third Place (score 82) and winner of a $50 pledge: Paul Drotleff (Thoreandan)
  • Second Place (score 83) and winner of a $50 pledge: Mike Headley (LoneStranger), Nicholas Colla (Kilhwch), and Matthew Compean (Syipress)
  • First Place (score 88) and winner of a Knight’s pledge: Justin Eslinger (jeslinger) and Kevin Eslinger (KEslinger)

Congratulations to the winners and our deepest thanks to all of you that participated!

The grand prize winner of the Scene Jam series hasn’t been announced yet; presumably that will be included as part of next Friday’s mid-evening update.

2 Responses

  1. Infinitron says:

    Wrong video.