Hearth of Britannia: Lords of the Manor Cooking Livestream, Lords of the Hearth, Weekly Dragonsmeets

Rustic Dragon’s surprise this evening turned out to be a threefold revelation:

The first — and biggest — announcement is that Rustic Dragon has secured permission from Richard Garriott to livestream his preparation of the meal for the Lords of the Manor event, which will take place at Richard Garriott’s New York City home on November 5th. Rustic estimates that the livestream will run for about 12 hours, and he hopes to show off bits of Lord British’s house…as well as how Rustic Dragon puts on an event.

Additionally, Rustic Dragon’s separate Lords of the Hearth event — which will be held on November 16th — will feature a dish-for-dish re-creation of the Lords of the Manor meal. Lords of the Hearth is open to anyone who can make it, and will feature (in addition to a feast, of course), Ultima rabble, boffer combat (perhaps), and more. Rustic Dragon will be posting details for this event in the near future.

Finally, it was also announced this evening that the Hearth of Britannia Dragonsmeets will be moving to a weekly schedule!

1 Response

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Adrenaline rush…awesome and congrats Rustic. Sorry I missed that meet, but I’ll be there next time.