In Which I Scoop The Gaming Press

The Ultima Codex, October 26, 2012: Ultima Forever: BioWare Mythic is Mythic Entertainment Again

Rock, Paper, Shotgun, November 8, 2012: EA BioWare Mythic Moon Unit Now Just: Mythic

Polygon, November 8, 2012: BioWare Mythic undergoes name change, reverts back to Mythic

Of course, two weeks ago, Mythic hadn’t actually posted the news of the name change on any of their websites (it was a photo posted to Paul Barnett’s Twitter account that was the tipoff for me). Rock, Paper, Shotgun actually takes not of this fact, calling it a “journalism fail” on their part.

What’s changed since then is that Mythic have taken their new Facebook page live, and have also renamed their main Twitter account. What hasn’t changed is basically everything else about them, including the fact that they’re busily working on Ultima Forever.

1 Response

  1. Infinitron says:

    Funny – I actually assumed a couple weeks before your post that they must have changed their name, because the word Bioware was nowhere to be found on their page even then.

    I thought it was a silent change and they didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.