BioWare Mondays

In an effort to build community engagement with its development team, the Star Wars: The Old Republic website has begun to feature a “Meeting the Developers”…uh…feature. Yeah. The game also cleaned up at GDC Online, as did BioWare Austin, pulling in a boatload of awards.

(Naturally, SWTOR was also the subject of a panel at GDC Online.)

Also, update 1.5 for the game is playable now on its test servers, for those of you who still dabble in the galaxy far, far away.

Mass Effect 3’s bi-weekly “Weekend Operations” have become a very common feature of that game’s multiplayer component, but BioWare will be doing away with those in favour of a challenge system that will break up the macro operations into smaller-scale weekly challenges. Relatedly, BioWare has activated a new “N7 HQ” online service to allow multiplayer players to manage their awards and characters.

On the single-player side, the heavily-telegraphed Omega-focused DLC that we all suspected was coming has finally been announced. Releasing in late November, it will (naturally) focus on the Cerberus-captured mega space-station Omega, and will heavily involve Carrie-Anne Moss’ character Aria T’Loak.

In somewhat related news, the Wii U port of the game is proceeding apace. Oh, and Blasto the Hanar Spectre will be getting his own comic. This one has no idea why, but there it is.