The Savage Empire Remake: Scythifuge Needs A Pixel Artist!

Shortly after posting yesterday’s lengthy round-up of news related to Scythifuge’s Exult-based remake of Savage Empire, I noticed that Scythifuge had posted another request on his personal Facebook wall.

This time, it’s an urgent — needful, even — request for assistance:

Are any of you who are on my friend list an artist who has ever drawn graphics on a pixel-by-pixel level? I NEED your help. I do not admit to NEEDING things very often. Please contact me if you have pixel skills & are willing to HELP!

So, if any of you out there have any talent doing pixel artwork, why not hit up the project’s Facebook page and drop a comment to make yourself known? Alternatively, leave a comment here; Scythifuge swings the site by fairly often.

3 Responses

  1. RusticDragon says:

    I just sent him a message via Facebook, I’m definitely willing to help out. I helped Stephen Edmond with some graphics related to the Ultimate Collector’s Guide.

  2. Dungy says:

    My graphical skills are sadly 0. If I had such a skillset, the Codex of Ultima Wisdom would look a whole lot prettier. 😛

  3. Scythifuge Dragon says:

    Rustic Dragon, I do not see the message on Facebook. I will double check!