The Exodus Project Has Something In The Works!

It has been nearly a decade since we last heard from Voyager Dragon.

Well, no, that’s not true. The last update he made to The Reconstruction (the inspiration for Aiera) was in 2007. The last post he made to The Exodus Project website, however, was nearly a decade ago. For those of you not familiar with The Exodus Project, its main claim to fame was the release of this enhancement for Ultima 3, which both improved the graphics and added MIDI music to the game.

Well…Voyager is back. And it looks like he has a little surprise in store for us:

[singlepic id=2300 w=500 h=500 float=center]

That is a lot of colour...for Ultima 3, at any rate.

About this screenshot, he had this to say:

Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve updated anything on this site. (Nearly 10 years, wow!) But I felt it necessary to at least post something that I’ve been working on that might be of interest. There’s a bit of a backstory surrouding the circumstances that generated image above. There’s also even more in the works than just this. More to come soon(tm).

If you want to know what Voyager Dragon is working on, Dragons and Dragonettes, you’ll just have to stay tuned. He assures me that a release of some sort will be forthcoming soon!

7 Responses

  1. Scythifuge Dragon says:

    This is SPLENDID news! I never would have thought that we would hear from Voyager Dragon again after such a long hiatus. It makes me feel better about the lack of updates on my Ultima projects.

    By the gods in Asgard, Ultima lives…

  2. Dungy says:

    Sweet, that looks like Ultima III using the Ultima IV graphics upgrade. Looks like Voyager has decided to upgrade his graphics pack from EGA to VGA.

  3. Ed says:

    NICE!!!!!!!!! If they only made real games like this again…

  4. Dominus says:

    Yeah looks really great. I might actually play U3 when it looks like this 😉

  5. Sergorn says:

    To be fair, there’s already a patch allowing the use of the UIV Upgrade tileset with Ultima III, altough it doesn’t goes as far as changing the sidebars :O

    I’d just wish he’d go and make the Atari ST_like music mod for Ultiam V 🙁

  6. Dungy says:

    Well, that other patch doesn’t upgrade the graphics to VGA, though. It still keeps the EGA tileset. VGA is superior. I just wish it were possible to increase the resolution on those tiles without entirely rewriting the engine.

  7. This is great, I love all those upgrades for the early ultimas. Having them in VGA would be great. I just hope he keeps EGA option is still avaliable.

    What I would like to see myself is Ultima I and II with the music from the PC-88/98 or the music from the FM towns.