Ultima 1: Gameplay Graphics Comparison

Thanks to a little help from Dungy at the Codex of Ultima Wisdom, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present a (mostly) comprehensive comparison of gameplay graphics from the known ports of Ultima 1.

[singlepic id=1446 w=500 h=375 float=center]

The Apple II Original

[singlepic id=1447 w=500 h=357 float=center]

The Atari 8-bit Port

[singlepic id=1448 w=560 h=384 float=center]

The 1986 Apple II Remake

[singlepic id=1449 w=500 h=302 float=center]

The Commodore 64 Port

[singlepic id=1450 w=500 h=313 float=center]

The PC DOS Port

[singlepic id=1451 w=544 h=456 float=center]

The MSX 2 Port

[singlepic id=1452 w=500 h=302 float=center]

The PC8801 Port

[singlepic id=1453 w=500 h=302 float=center]

The Apple IIgs POrt

[singlepic id=1454 w=500 h=375 float=center]

The FM Towns Port

As you can see, there is quite a range in terms of quality and interface design between different ports of the game. For complete details about the different versions of the game — and the differences between — be sure to check out the Codex article on the subject.

1 Response

  1. Odkin says:

    Did any of the remakes have the cool demo mode that you could boot up on the original Cal Pacific Apple ][ Player Master? The one that cycled through screenshots and had an adventurer face that morphs into a skull with the caption “SOME FIND FORTUNE…SOME FIND DEATH !!” ??