Funny Webcomic Spoofs Ultima 4

Via Google+, Browncoat Jayson brought to my attention this recent comic at Funny Webcomic, a weekly webcomic (I think the author is Australian) that offers up something different each week. A weekly poll allows readers to help shape what the comic for the following week will be.

And the most recent one (as of this writing) riffs on the gypsy questions from Ultima 4. Says the author:

The whole intro sequence to Ultima IV was kind of creepy when you think about it. This woman just sitting there JUDGING ME on the spot for not knowing how to answer those damn cryptic questions. What did they do in the game, anyway? I could never figure it out, but then again Ultima was always a little bit complex for me. Actually, anything this side of Pong is a bit complex for me.

Head on over and give it a read!

5 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Heh, that was funny. Loved the last panel.

  2. Thepal says:

    It’s kinda interesting how things work… I only just heard about Google+ a couple of days ago, and now I want it (despite not looking into it at all and not really knowing what it includes) just because I can’t get it ’cause the trial is full :p

    I thought I’d say that since the Webcomic isn’t loading at work so I can’t comment on the actual topic of the post.

  3. Thepal says:

    Sure, if you don’t mind. I have to wait for the next intake still though (I think). But that would be great. Thanks.