Monthly Archive: May 2011
Fandomania has produced a list of their readers’ Top 100 Video Games of all time. Origin has a few entries on the list, but none near the top where some deserve to be.
The (almost) nightly open discussion thread at Ultima Aiera.
The continuing story of the not-exactly-nightly feature at Ultima Aiera.
Cheerful Dragon left a comment to inform us all that he has moved the downloads for his collection of bugfixes for Ultima V: Lazarus to a new location.
A warning of sorts has been posted to the Ultima 6 Online project blog, cautioning against being too trusting of in-game guests.
The enhanced, open-source 3D client for Ultima Online freeshards has been updated after over a year of no news.
Ultima Aiera is looking for article submissions from Ultima fans, explaining in detail why they love Ultima and what, in their opinion, makes for a proper Ultima game.
Kevin Fishburne has made great strides in implementing objects — e.g. scenery assets — in his still-in-development Ultima-inspired online game, Sanctimonia.
The Ultima 6 Online wiki has been moved/merged into the Codex of Ultima Wisdom.
Blu3vib3 and translator RCapowski have added many more pages to their effort to scan-late the manga retelling of Ultima 4.