More Ultima 4 Manga

Blu3vib3, one of the contributors at the Codex, dropped me an email to announce that her ongoing project to scan-late the manga retelling of Ultima 4 has added another seventy or so pages to its archives.

Just for a refresher, here’s the cover image:

[singlepic id=903 w=496 h=715 float=center]

Presented sans comment.

Do go and check it out, Dragons and Dragonettes. I’m almost torn as to which re-imagining of Ultima 4 is weirder…the manga, or Ultima Reborn.

4 Responses

  1. Dungy says:

    Haha, this is pretty bad, but it’s also kind of fun. At the very least, I’m super glad Blu3Vib3 is translating these for us and making the translations available for everyone. Now if someone could just make a translation of Savage Empire for the SNES, we’d be all set.

  2. Blu3vib3 says:

    Just a note: I’m not actually doing any of the translation, that’s all RCapowski, whose hard translating work I’m using. I’m just the grunt who photoshops the sound effects and text out and replaces them with English equivalents to make a polished final project.

  3. Sergorn says:

    @Dungy – God I’d definitly love a translation of Savage Empire SNES. Sure it plays like the U7 SNES, but I’m actually rather fond of the art style, the tone and music of the game. I’d love an english version of it someday (rumor is there was an official one done… but it just was never released). There were some talk over the years by fans to create a fan patch to translate it but it never went anywhere.

    I’d love an english version of the PSX version of UW1 too.

  4. Severian says:

    Yep, it is possible to add different shaders like parallax to psx games with plugins. BTW, you could try King`s Field series for PSX (and Shadow Tower). It is a lot of like UU.