Beautiful Britannia: Flowers! Grass!

Firstknight writes:

In my restless effort to create more realistic textures, I got some really good results with these new flowers and plants, which are shown in the latest “Awesome screen”.

Further, I’ve created a second grass texture for better variety. I plan to rework original and previously released plant textures in this way, as long as the quality is improveable.

On the other side, the terrain transistions are very work intensive, so I had to move the approximate release date [of the next Beautiful Britannia demo] to September 2011.

Viriathus still works on the LB castle tetxures, which are proving to be a diffcult task. The textures are not exactly positioned on the 3D model, and furthermore are scaled differently, which makes it quite difficult to make them seamless.

Additionally, he has high praise for the team’s new texture artist:

He has the same passion as I have, trying hard to create the best possible quality textures, and is therefore a real win for Beautiful Britannia, as you will see soon.

Firstknight sent along a pair of screenshots, which are included here at a lower resolution; for the full-size versions, hit up the Forgotten World screenshots page.

[singlepic id=933 w=500 h=313 float=center]


[singlepic id=937 w=500 h=313 float=center]


As always, the Beautiful Britannia team stun and awe us with the progress they are able to make in enhancing Ultima 9‘s textures and the lushness of its world. We look forward to the September demo release!

5 Responses

  1. Dagur Dragon says:

    I love this project! They do some amazing work.

  2. Philologus says:

    Absolutely stunning. I cannot wait for the latest demo.

  3. Tony B says:

    This really is amazing stuff. Props to them.

  4. Sanctimonia says:

    When I looked at the screenshots on the host site, I actually waffled for a second with that surreal sense of the uncanny valley while looking at the flowers. Normally that’s not a comment, but in this case it’s a sign that some damn fine texture art and implementation is being performed. The flowers in particular look amazing. Threw me off a bit!

    Keep up the good work. This is what I like to call pushing the limits of a system ’til it bleeds goodness. I’d love to hear what the original dev team would think of this kind of improvement without having access to the source code. Surely they’d be both proud and astonished.