Savage Empire: Pretty Trees, Myrmidex Drones, and Fabozz
Scythifuge posted a couple of updates to the Exult forums in the last day or two. The first was just a quick update to his previous thread, announcing which wall graphic had won the hearts and votes of most fans. The second, posted at the insistence of his girlfriend (evidently), showed off several new pieces of artwork that he has worked on, including a Myrmidex drone and a statue of Fabozz.
Also on display are some utterly magnificent pine trees. Seriously, check these things out:
The trees!
Utterly fantastic, no?
That is nice. What’s interesting is that in the forum where the voting was taking place, he mentioned there were 16 variations of the texture in question. I wonder if they’re angle or color/filter variations. Hopefully the former, but probably the latter. :/
Thanks Ken, you are too kind! You too, Sanctimonia!
Sanctimonia, I am unsure what you mean by “angle” versions. The design on display fits seamlessly with the other variations, with different rocky shapes as well as a couple of “solid” walls with cracks on them that all line up with specific points.
However, there are both horizontal and vertical walls, and one is darker by a shade than the other, since everything is drawn with a light source in the upper right-hand corner in mind. The wall that was posted is actually the lighter vertical wall, so it will be flipped & rotated (I find it easier to draw horizontally). There will be versions with grass/moss tuffs in the cracks, vines clinging to some, and a few with trickling water. The wall that lost the votes will be gray scaled with some changes for the volcanic area. I am going with a smoother look for hardened lava, basically.
I do take all suggestions into consideration, and I am trying to learn all that I can while working on the project!
I understand the variations now, thanks. I always keep a look out for strategies and stuff too. Asking for help in dev forums (good ones) helps sometimes. Other times I just sit there thinking for a while like Rain Man until I finally figure out what’s going on. Making a mod or a game is like that. 😉
Also I sent you a link to a texture mod example via the other forum. Fortunately the power didn’t go out this time. Need another UPS…