BanditLOAF from the Wing Commander CIC just brought to my attention the online portfolio of Art Wong, a digital artist in the employ of Electronic Arts. He seems to do a lot of 3D asset modeling and dabbles (on occasion) in area design as well.
Oh, and he made a bunch of creature and character models for the canceled Ultima Online 2, which he details in two separate images. You can view the images below, but as these are Mr. Wong’s property I won’t be creating a gallery page for them.
[singlepic id=639 w=550 h=327 float=center]
UO2 Characters
[singlepic id=640 w=550 h=323 float=center]
UO2 Creatures
Interesting, to say the least. Let’s all say a bit “thank you” to BanditLOAF for alerting us to this find.
I’d highly recommend checking out Mr. Wong’s profile. There’s even some artwork from Privateer 3 to be found toward the end of the list.
Courtesy of Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum, and thanks to the hard work of both him and the team at the Wing Commander CIC, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present four images -- three of which are of art prints, one of which is a photograph -- of box…
Ultima Aiera is pleased to present this demo reel -- which was apparently only ever released internally at Electronic Arts and whatever studio was doing the development (Mythic Entertainment?) -- from a second attempt at making Ultima Online 2! which was part of a pitch to Electronic Arts, by Origin…
Speaking of both Sergorn Dragon's playthrough of Ultima 9 and the Titans of Ether's remake of same... ...courtesy of Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum, and thanks to the hard work of both him and the team at the Wing Commander CIC, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present 10 scanned…
They have a distinct Quake feel to them. The baddy on the bottom right is especially Stroggy.
Left. Bottom LEFT.
It is early.
There is a bit of that vibe, I agree.
Man, Quake II…