Added: Avatar Minecraft Character Skin

Whilst Googling around for Avatar-related images, I stumbled across this: a custom character skin for your avatar in Minecraft…which just so happens to resemble the Avatar from Ultima 7: The Black Gate (and Serpent Isle).

I haven’t the first clue how to customize the skin of a Minecraft character, but those of you who are skilled in so doing can grab the PNG image (small as it is) at the “project” entry to use for your own.

7 Responses

  1. Dungy says:

    Reminds me of the Avatar and Raven skins that exists for the Sims. Thought that was cute.

  2. Dungy says:

    Can’t find the skins. Can only find this link.

  3. Oh, wow. We need to see if we can track those skins down.

  4. Andy_Panthro says:

    I made a couple of Ultima character skins, Ultima 5 and 6.

    happy to send them to you folks.

    I’m also looking for an ultima texture pack, but haven’t seen one. Might have to make that too…

    • Hi Andy, and welcome!

      I’d gladly add any content to the site that you’d care to provide. What’s your preferred method of passing stuff along…email? FTP?

  5. Andy_Panthro says:

    E-mail is probably best with me, the files are only small.

    Trying to sort out how to make an Ultima texture pack, but it’s a little harder than making the player skins!