Veteran's/Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Veteran’s Day (in the US) and Remembrance (or Armistice) Day in much of the Commonwealth, is one of those few times of the year that inspires a kind of somber reflection that crosses most of the lines that otherwise divide us as people. Race, creed, and political affiliation seem to…fade away as we pause, almost as if as one, to remember those who have given their lives in various wars over the last…most-of-a-century. Or at least, that’s true in most cases; I gather there was a very unfortunate and, frankly, quite rude disturbance at a British ceremony today.

Be that as it may, it’s nice that in our fast-paced, ever-changing world, we can almost all pause and remind ourselves of the gravity of the sacrifices that, at various times over the last century, that men and women were called upon — and answered in the affirmative — to take a terrible risk and, in many cases, pay the ultimate price in the service of their countries. We can debate, over and over again, whether the causes they fought for were just, and we can debate yet more whether or not the means they employed to fight for those causes were just, but we cannot discount the courage, duty, sense of obligation, and sacrifice that soldiers are expected to make time and time again.

And it’s nice that on days like today, we can set aside what all else divides us and just…remember that. And remember them.

2 Responses

  1. Well said. I couldn’t agree more.

    My dad was in the USAF in Viet Nam and his birthday is today. He just turned 65. Happy Birthday Dad. 🙂

    Hats off to the men and women of present and past who have served to protect us from the “enemy at the gates”. Hopefully this article won’t descend into craziness as subjects like these often do.

  2. My dad was in the navy WW2 and Korea. He passed in 1990.
    Thanks, dad.
    20 years on, and I still wish he was here for advice when I need it.