Two more Movember donations!

Support my Movember campaign!

A big shout-out and thank you to Mr. Mike Gallagher and my aunt, Mrs. Janet Harding, who both just donated to my Movember campaign…and then within mere minutes of each other!

My aunt also reminds me that prostate cancer apparently runs in the family, a fact which I was not actually aware of. I began this campaign in part because a close friend of the family was stricken, and is now going through a very difficult process of recovery. And I was also aware, from a family crisis a couple of years back, that I’m at risk for another kind of male-specific cancer…something a bit more frontal, let’s just say.

But apparently, prostate cancer is also in the family. Good to know…and another fine reason for the campaign.

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Embrace the mustache! Donate!

And let me just conclude by echoing a message to all men that was sent along with one of the donations: get checked!