Registration and user profile changes

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And remember: the first annual Aiera Thanksgiveaway is still on!

So I went ahead and installed BuddyPress, which is a really comprehensive solution for managing user communities within the WordPress framework. It’s my hope that I’ll be able to bring the forum into the site proper, using BuddyPress’ implementation of the bbPress forum technology…although I’m still researching ways to import from phpBB to bbPress, admittedly. Still, it’s the ultimate goal, barring a new release of WP-United.

Here’s what’s changed in the immediate sense:

1) User registrations happen in a different form, and now include email and username checking. An invitation code is still required, though.

2) User avatars are handled directly by BuddyPress, rather than another plugin; if you uploaded a different avatar previously, you’ll have to do so again. (Sorry!)

And best of all, user profile management is now handled through a sexy little menu bar (with dropdown submenus!) that floats merrily at the top of the window.

Anyhow, I would encourage you all to experiment with it; it supposedly supports such things as status updates, intra-profile messaging using Twitter’s @username convention, friend-making, and suchlike. Hopefully, it all works as advertised. Bear in mind, also, that as yet templates for different functions and Buddypress pages aren’t finalized, and I’m open to recommendations regarding layouts.

8 Responses

  1. fearyourself says:

    I tried to get word press working with this site on my iPhone. But I can’t seem to figure it out. Any idea? I’ve never used this before though so I’m a noob

  2. The basic process for the iPhone app is as follows:

    1) From your list of blogs, click the + in the upper-right corner. This will bring up the Add Blog screen. If you’ve added no blogs thus far, the Add Blog screen should appear by default.

    2) Select Add self-hosted WordPress blog (the bottom option)

    3) For the URL field, put

    4) For the Username field…well, you can guess.

    5) Ditto for the Password field. Be careful here, because the iPhone keyboard can be tricky.

    6) You should just be able to click Add Site once all that information is populated.

    If that continues to not work for you, let me know and I’ll see if there isn’t some other setting I need to adjust at this end.

  3. fearyourself says:

    Yeap that’s what i was doing but it says “sorry you cannot edit comments” and then it blocks there and doesn’t seem to do anything

    Any idea?

  4. fearyourself says:

    Actually it doesn’t do anything. It just sits there and waits after that “Sorry cannot edit comments”. Therefore, I don’t see the posts, comments, etc.

    • It’s possible that the app itself is to blame; the last couple of versions have been rather buggy. I’ll test with my copy and see if I get the same error.

  5. QUITE!

    Though I would probably call a repairman about that CAPS LOCK issue. 😉