Monthly Archive: November 2010

A curious Martian Dreams bug

A curious Martian Dreams bug

Over in the forum, commenter GuJiaXian posted a lengthy article about how he ran into a spot of trouble with Martian Dreams, and encountered what seemed, at first, like a plot-stopping bug: There are...

Updated: u6encode/decode

Updated: u6encode/decode

Nodling Dragon produced a handy little utility a while back that let you decode (decompress) the LZW-compressed data files that Ultima 6 uses, and then re-encode them in a way that Ultima 6 can...

Added: Britannia Map for The Moon Project

Added: Britannia Map for The Moon Project

What is it? It’s a recreation, by Ryan “Zerker” Armstrong, of the entire world from Ultima 7 for The Moon Project, a science fiction RTS released in 2000 as a sequel to the excellent...

New Gallery: Ultima Underworld 2 Cluebook Art

New Gallery: Ultima Underworld 2 Cluebook Art

Courtesy of Ryan “Zerk” Armstrong, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present for download 28 images from the Ultima Underworld 2 cluebook, Gems of Enlightenment. As Zerk notes: “Since only a fraction of Uw2 players,...

Because I think I'm so funny…

Because I think I'm so funny…

So it all started when one of my Twitter followers, DaveJustDave, said this: I replied: And then I had an idea…and now you all have to suffer for it. And laugh, hopefully: Go on,...