Dragonlet #1 on Halloween!

This wasn’t the little girl’s first Halloween; she went trick-or-treating with me last year as well. But this year, she picked out her own costume, and (being a very smart little two-year-old) was able to involve herself in the day just that much more. I mean, she set the direction for our pumpkin:

[singlepic id=383 w=500 h=375 float=center]

Apologies for the grainy iPhone picture...

…and even picked out her own costume:

[singlepic id=382 w=500 h=333 float=center]

And apologies for the slight blur...little girl was real excited!

She’s been into Winnie the Pooh lately. Though if you’ve been reading some of my recent other posts, you already knew as much.

(And yes, I drew and carved the pumpkin, by hand, without benefit of a stencil. Not that I really needed one; I was always a passable cartoonist, and I’ve seen the little “how to draw your very own Pooh Bear” feature at the end of the Dragonlet’s Sing Along Songs: Winnie the Pooh and Piglet Too! DVD dozens of times, so…it was pretty easy.)

2 Responses

  1. Saxon1974 says:

    Aww thats awesome, great pics!

  2. wtf_dragon says:

    Thanks, Saxon.

    Hope your little one and lovely wife are both doing well!