Because I think I'm so funny…
So it all started when one of my Twitter followers, DaveJustDave, said this:

Ah, memories!
I replied:

Ah, memories!
And then I had an idea…and now you all have to suffer for it. And laugh, hopefully:

The good old meme...
Go on, you can admit it: you hate my guts.
The good Admiral Squid always makes for happy parody, Well played sir!
Though it does bring up the question I have oft pondered, how would you react to a shimmering portal opening up feet away from your feet (presumably you weren’t evoking magicks)? Would it fix your decision if was the exacting detail of a Moongate or a (insert favorite show/movie/book/game world breaching devise here)? If friends or family were nearby, what would that change? Is it showing signs it might not linger, do I have time to consult, to experiment, to think, is this a once in a life time opportunity? An opportunity to what, and where, and when, and thanks to whom? Does it matter in a flash of adventure and curiosity?
It’s easier for the Avatar to keep going through these things when a gypsy made the choice the first time. And Eustace would never have gone to Narnia by choice or consent the first time (such as he was). It made both of their lives, but what about consent, what about knowing a bit about what your in for, what about being an Avatar in your own world, and what about- It’s a TRAP!!
Honestly, I’d probably jump through.
Consent is important, don’t get me wrong, but it isn’t the sole principle by which our lives are (or should be) governed. There are things at work, as both the Avatar and Eustace demonstrate, that are beyond our ability to control or perceive (or even predict), but to which we must respond as well.
Whatever we label it — a calling, fate, a divine inspiration, and/or chance — there are things in life which don’t pause to ask whether we are keen to have to make a decision to leap forward or turn and flee; they simply thrust themselves upon us, in the hope that we will decide rightly.
Red or blue I’d jump. The gargs would probably love me, and I could tell them how to assassinate Lord British via signs.
Or glass swords, as was (I believe) the case in Ultima 6. Glass swords while he slept.
You could also teach them to bake poisoned bread.