New Gallery: Bob White Plot Dungeons

Yes, Dragons and Dragonettes, an actual piece of the Bob White plot. I. Kid. You. Not.

Courtesy of Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum, and to the hard work of both him and the team at the Wing Commander CIC, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present 128 scanned pages of the actual “Bob White Plot” document. Regrettably, the entirety of the plot is not to be found here (and may never be located, in truth). What the good reader will find, however, are detailed designs of each quest and plot link for almost every dungeon intended to be included in Ultima 9. There are even a few dungeons in the collection here that didn’t make it in to the released game!

This document was one of many discovered in the deep recesses of the Origin archives at Electornic Arts (EA Mythic), and was scanned during the Origin Archive Project done in the summer of 2008.

Update: I’ve created PDFs of each dungeon, and posted these for download in the gallery as well. Enjoy!

19 Responses

  1. Sergorn says:

    To say this is awesome is just an understatement.

    I’ll cross my finger about more stuff from the Bob White plot surfacing… I’d love a more complet summarry. It’s a shame he never explained the Gargoyle plots in it.

  2. Sslaxx says:

    On a related note, do you still have Eriadain’s take on this?

  3. wtf_dragon says:

    @Sergorn: we shall see…as Joe continues to dig into the archives, we may in fact be surprised by what else he unearths.

    @Sslaxx: I do indeed! Just restored the downloads, in fact!

  4. Origin Museum says:

    Hi all-
    Clarification time:
    This document was discovered lurking in the deep recesses of the Origin archive project, that was done at Electornic Arts (EA Mythic) in the summer of 2008. Very special thanks needs to go to Electronic Arts, who allowed us to archive and recover this interesting piece of Ultima history.
    I would especially love it if some of the folks from this site make comparisons to it -vs- the final U9 release. I can’t wait to see some of the insights that Ultima fans and historians discover!

  5. wtf_dragon says:

    Hi Joe, and thanks for the clarification. I hit most of the thanks in the gallery page proper, but it’s worth adding the history of how this information was collected.

  6. Sslaxx says:

    I actually meant the Eriadain design documents, Ken, cf. my first comment on Eriadain’s entry (over three years ago).

  7. wtf_dragon says:

    Ah, okay.

    I did get those off of Moa Dragon, so I should hopefully have them kicking around somewhere. Failing that, Moa is still on my MSN contacts list, so I can harass him for them and hope he still has them.

  8. Sergorn says:

    There is some truly awesome stuff in there – that is just mindblowing with a crazy number of refrences – Etheric Powers to gain, the Quicksword, Horance’s Tower…

    And these are just dungeons docs.

    I’d kill to get my hand on the cities’ doc, or well the full docs really.

  9. Sslaxx says:

    Yeah, being able to get hold of all the design docs would be nice.

  10. wtf_dragon says:

    I’ll see what I can dig up.

  11. Alfie says:

    I had a special look to those dungeons. And some are complaining the u6p ones are too complex… Have a look at Deceit.

    Awesome job, thanks for bringing that to us.

  12. Sslaxx says:

    Heh, all the complaints about the Ant Mound and Destard…

  13. Ergonpandilus Dragon says:

    Nice. 😀

  14. This is wonderful! Thanks for sharing this! The only thing I’d like to see more than this is the design for the Lost Vale. Hopefully those docs are not forever lost as well!

  15. wtf_dragon says:

    I guess we’ll see.

    Nice to see you up and about, Voyager; I for one was worried you’d all but disappeared from the ‘tubes!

  16. Sergorn says:

    More than the design from Lost Vale, what I’d like to see is a leaked copy of the add-on. I know this is very unlikely to happen, but it was completed so perhaps a copy will appear some day.

    But of course design docs of Lost Vale would be good. And Ultima VIII design docs would be awesome as well.

    And the design docs of the first “Guardian World” iteration of Ultima IX. And the Ed Del Castillo version. And even of the final version really – there is probably a lot that has been cut from it.

    We need contact details of UIX peoples 😛

  17. Dungy says:

    Destard in U6P is awesome. It may be a little on the long side, but I haven’t been that challenged in some time.

  18. Sergorn says:

    Destard was fine albeit a tad long, I thought the Ant Mound was terrible though – pretty much everything I hate in a dungeons. Basically one long monotous hack’n slash with way too much monsters.

    It felt like playing Dungeon Siege, which is just not good.


  19. Sslaxx says:

    It was good for getting XP though, that much at least could be said for Ant Mound.