Added: Alternate Ultima 9 Credits

Okay, it’s not actually that the credits themselves are different. What has changed is the music playing overtop of them.

Sergorn Dragon, despite his well-known love for Ultima 9, isn’t the world’s biggest fan of the “modern” remix of Stones that plays during the end credits for Ascension. To that end, he took it upon himself to release two alternate versions of the video file that includes the “good” endgame movie and the game’s credits, one of which used the more classical arrangement of Stones featured elsewhere in Ultima 9, and one of which used the version of Stones composed for the never-released Ultima Online 2.

Both movie files are available for download, in the MPEG format, at the project entry here. Installation instructions can be found thereat.

1 Response

  1. Sslaxx says:

    It somewhat… interesting, the choice of music for the credits for Ascension. Should be interesting to see what Redemption uses.