Britannian Underworld: First Level of Deceit; Switches, Locks, and Doors

Slashing Dragon has posted an update about the progress being made on Britannian Underworld. The team have evidently been in discussions with developers at TigSource, negotiating rates for creature art and animations. A crowdfunding campaign may be launched to facilitate the purchase of artworks in the near future.

Level design, meanwhile, is proceeding apace:

Orlando has advanced greatly on his design for the first level of Deceit. He presents us his design as a 3D model.

A couple of Orlando’s images of Deceit can be seen above; click on through to see more.

The game’s engine has also seen a few improvements:

Exodus Destiny has added more features to the engine, including switches that open doors as well as keys needed to unlock other doors, he’s also added a sample sprite from one of the artists I have been talking with, just to give us an idea of how it would look inside the game.

You can check out that sample sprite here.

1 Response

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Awesome. Looking forward to this one.