Nightly Open Thread

A surprisngly accurate test.

Okay, granted, I don’t buy into the whole concept of psychic whatchamacallit. Hell, I mostly regard psychiatry and related things as pseudo-scientific crap. That said, and barring consideration of any parts of the following pertaining thereto, this is actually a pretty accurate description of me:

You have a poetic sensibility and an ability to see beyond the day to day. You often seem to be living in a higher realm, or to be not-of-this-earth. Occasionally you imagine interior lives for friends and associates that are near-complete fabrications based on your fears or hopes for the future. You are often not aware of your own feelings. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and because of this are often disappointed. Despite what can sometimes be a destructive inward-turning anger, you are very gentle. You are sometimes a bit out of touch with the ebb and flow of modern life. If your behavior is out of synch with your moral values, a severe psychic disturbance can result. Because connectivity is so important to you, you can become quiet and sulky if you feel that others around do not understand your point of view.

The test itself involves little more than looking at different (fuzzy, blurry) shapes and answering questions pertaining thereto (e.g. two circles, each a different colour, and the question “Which is angry?”). Sheer morbid curiosity should keep you clicking right through it.

Now, did I just happen to stumble onto a reasonably accurate summation of myself? Would I get the same result if I took it again? (Yes, actually.) Is the test mostly B.S.? Or is there a “there” there, to paraphrase what someone once said?

This is fascinating, awe-inspiring, humbling (because damn, guy has brain horsepower), and more than a little worrying all at once!

For the record, the “program” was a 9×9 pixel (I think) RAW image file. This file format, not to be confused with “camera RAW” files, was implemented by Adobe to allow for image transfer between systems, and it supports all the cool features one expects from Photoshop. You can read up on the file format here.

Assuming absolutely no compression of data, the maximum size of the file is probably the number of pixels multiplied by 32 bits/pixel. Oh, the header probably adds a tiny bit more to the file size, but not that much. The final size of the “program” here was probably on the order of 324 bytes.

One wonders what else one could code with just a wee small image, no bigger (in fact, smaller) than an icon (.ICO) file? The network security guy that I share brain-space with is…worried.

[singlepic id=905 w=159 h=99 float=center]

For an example, the above is the ULTIMA4.COM file from the legally available download of Ultima 4, converted to an image by Hexplorer. Of course, it’s also been compressed as a JPG, so I wouldn’t go trying to write yourself a version of the file using this as a template. Still…it goes to show that other executables can in fact be represented as an arrangement of pixels.

Airbus A380 vs. Canadair CRJ-700


This was at JFK, for those who are wondering.

Actually, the Canadair takes the hit pretty well.

Name worth remembering: Matthew Abate

Here’s the skinny on the guy:

“That’s a different world,” replied Capt. Johnson, who is on his third combat tour. “In the States, a bad day for a guy on his way to the office is a flat tire. A bad day out here is a double amputee. The public pays attention to Charlie Sheen. No one’s heard of Sgt. Abate.”

Sgt. Matthew Abate is the Third Platoon’s hero. When a patrol hit a minefield in late October, Sgt. Abate had left his safe position and run to apply tourniquets and carry out the screaming, grievously wounded men. He was killed in action five weeks later, but only the platoon remembers his name.

Whatever your particular position on the war in Afghanistan or the US military in general, I hope you can agree that the above is genuine heroism in its finest form. I don’t know if Sgt. Abate has been nominated for a Medal of Honor, though I do rather hope so.

This girl is going places.


Note the celebrating Stormtroopers.

Only Vader manages to stay in character during the whole scene; his comment as he turns away is, I think, “All too easy.”

Tonight’s post brought to you by the ol’ fairway:

The lights! The high! The screams of happy carnival-goers on rides!

15 Responses

  1. Gulluoglu says:

    Thank you for showing off and linking to some of the old Ultima merchandise the last few days; it is neat to see what used to be available back then. The Japanese letter opener on Origin Museum’s Flickr site looks awesome.

  2. Thepal says:

    Quiet and very self-assured, you tend to keep your own council. Pragmatic and practical to a fault, you are not one to worry about the finer points of philosophical discourse. In fact, because you are very much an individualist, you often finds yourself at odds with the established truth or the wishes of the majority. You will often earn the wrath of an employer by taking upon yourself decisions which are rightly those of your manager. You are not one to take credit unless it is deserved. Similarly however, you will also not happily give credit where it is not due. In a romantic relationship you can be very frustrating. While you do care deeply and sincerely, and are willing to work at a relationship, your confidence in your own abilities can on occasion make it difficult to see the world from a partner’s point of view. Quiet and stoic at times, you can drive a more emotional individual completely up the wall. You can become overstressed and fatigued without knowing it. Taking time to rest between bouts of hard work can help to prevent a breakdown later on.

    That was a freaky test :p Not sure I completely agree with what it says. Most of it is ok, but mainly the “Pragmatic and practical to a fault, you are not one to worry about the finer points of philosophical discourse.” sentence seems a bit off. It seems almost contradictory. The finer points of philosophy can be found by being pragmatic… Or, in any case, I tend to get into quite a few philosophical debates which often are quite detailed. But apart from that, it seems fine. Basically I read it as “Your ego is so big, that it annoys other people”. Which is probably one of the first things that people who know me would say.

  3. Grace says:

    You are not a leader of men but an organizer of men. You need order and organization to feel secure about your life. You will usually have extensive knowledge of your family history and tradition. You have little use for things that are not useful. Hard work, thrift and dedication are the way to your heart. You will always deal with others in a steadfast and straightforward manner, and will consequently expect others to behave the same way. The strange, the illicit, the unusual, have no place in your mindset. Proper planning and organization is a distinct pleasure to you. Because of your sense of responsibility, you will often accept leadership roles that can be onerous and difficult. Your thinking is sequential. Relationships for you often revolve around a sense of mutual responsibility. Good parenting is of prime importance, as is the duties that one lover has to another. You are intensely loyal, but on occasion can be so obsessed with the duties of a relationship that you can forget to address the private moments that give a relationship meaning. Oddly, you can be extremely sentimental.

    Not sure I believe in it or completely agree with the outcome, but it was intriguing.

  4. Grace says:

    I would say I agree with most of it, but I know that is not what I think about relationships or some of the stuff about organization. So not completely accurate, but there were definitely some points that are right on. I like how it said I am oddly extremely sentimental. I never thought it was odd:)

  5. Handshakes says:

    I took the test and it just said “you suck”. Creepy accurate, that.

    In all seriousness about the test, it seems to me to be doing the old horoscope trick of layering on a bunch of generalized compliments that the reader subconsciously cherry picks from.

    Also, that little girl/sith lord YouTube video is super cute.

  6. Deadeas says:


    New guy here. Figured I’d pop into here and say hi, since it seemed proper to intro in some manner.

    Glad to be on the site.

  7. Thepal says:


    As for it doing the usual horoscope stuff, I’d agree, but neither of the other two describe me. Instead of one part of it being wrong, it is more than one statement in those might be right. So I’m guessing there is some kind of logic behind it. I think my result shows up if you are in the “Big and red is scary” mindset. According to those questions, I think the big, red shapes are probably hiding in my closet with an axe… and they know what I’m thinking.

  8. Andy_Panthro says:

    Didn’t complete the quiz. I couldn’t really pick from the two choices in a couple of the early questions. I felt there should be a “none of the above” answer.

    WTF: Word on is that they may have secured the holy grail – EA’s back catalogue (and therefore Ultima)! It’s a bit early to tell, but all will be revealed tomorrow. Earlier guesses included Lucasarts, so expectations are set pretty high! The presentation is at 5pm GMT.

    • WtF Dragon says:


      Word on is that they may have secured the holy grail – EA’s back catalogue (and therefore Ultima)! It’s a bit early to tell, but all will be revealed tomorrow. Earlier guesses included Lucasarts, so expectations are set pretty high!

      Difficult to see EA going for it; they’ve never been at ease with GOG’s “DRM-free” policy. I will, of course, be happy to be proven wrong, but I’m highly skeptical that it’ll be EA that gets added to the site.

      Just looking at their last couple tweets, it really seems more like LucasArts than EA. This one totally makes me think of Full Throttle, implying LucasArts. This one has Ultima Underworld written all over it, implying Origin (and thus EA), but…I don’t know, that’s almost too obvious, y’know? I’m thinking it might actually be a tease for Grim Fandango.

      I guess we’ll see soon enough!

  9. Andy_Panthro says:

    Either Lucasarts or EA would be fantastic for me.

    Both would be even better though! 🙂

    Not long to wait now.

  10. Duke says:

    Their latest little hint is “What game made you feel like a hero?”
    That really does scream Ultima to me. Of course, it could be just about any game ever made… But the general talk is that it must be EA or LucasArts.

    Some other ones they’ve posted:
    What Game Made you Dream of the Stars?
    What Game Made You Ride with the Outlaws?
    What Game Made You Fear Your Past?
    What Game Made You Go To the Underworld?
    What game made monsters fear you?

    • WtF Dragon says:

      Duke: While my knowledge of LucasArts games is incomplete…here’s what I get from that list.

      What Game Made you Dream of the Stars? The Dig (or, for that matter, any Star Wars game)
      What Game Made You Ride with the Outlaws? Full Throttle
      What Game Made You Fear Your Past? Not sure here…
      What Game Made You Go To the Underworld? Grim Fandango
      What game made monsters fear you? Not sure here…

      And what was that last one? What game made you feel like a hero? Almost too broad, could be any of a dozen games from either publisher.

      Granted, a lot of these could also do for Ultima (and other EA) titles. Wing Commander would fit the first, various Ultima titles some of the others. We’ll know by tomorrow afternoon, but I’m still thinking it’ll be LucasArts only.