Ultima reviews!

Reader enirya alerts us to the following:

Spoony from spoonyexperiment.com is doing a series of reviews of the Ultima games, starting at Akalabeth and apparently he intends to go all the way up to Ultima 9 and Ultima Online. Thought you might be interested to know.

This leads me to think that I need to update and expand my list of links! Do give Spoony’s work a look-see, good reader. It sounds like an ambitious undertaking.

Update: You can find his Akalabeth review here, and his Ultima 1 review here.

3 Responses

  1. Odkin says:

    Geez, the guy sure has a filthy mouth, and to no humorous effect whatsoever.

    Appreciate the effort and any attention to Ultima, but pretty juvenile commentary.

  2. Dungy says:

    Personally, I thought he was hilarious. I had a great time watching both videos. I guess different strokes for different folks.

  3. wtf_dragon says:

    Dungy pretty much nails it.

    I’m a bit more with Odkin personally; profane comedy doesn’t typically make me laugh all that much. There are exceptions, of course…strategic use of profanity in unexpected situations and ways can be gut-splittingly funny. But casual profanity? Eh, it just comes across to me as shop talk.

    But both the delivery and appreciation of comedy are highly subjective things. Some people will find these videos funny, others won’t…just as some people will roll their eyes at Kisoskia’s commentary on his Ultima 7 playthrough, while I personally find them hilarious.