Tagged: Wordpress

Changes afoot

Changes afoot

I’ve been away too long. The downloads don’t work. The news hasn’t been updated in over a month. And don’t even get me started about Lost Sosaria. I’ve been away from Ultima too long,...

Lost Sosaria site changes

Lost Sosaria site changes

I’ve been working on a bunch of stuff in Lost Sosaria proper, but the site design was getting on my nerves (am I ever happy?), so I opted to shift to something I found...

We have a domain now

We have a domain now

That’s right, dear Readers — Ultima: Aiera now has its own domain: www.ultimaaiera.com. Don’t worry, though — your bookmarks for aiera.timeimmortal.net should still work. WordPress is cool that way. There’s actually a reason for...

Going away for a bit

Going away for a bit

As of July 23rd, and until August 11th, I will be in Hylands Park and London, both in England, attending the 21st World Scouts Jamboree. If any of Aiera’s readers will also be in...