Is There Any Interest in Upscaling Ultima Cutscenes?
Could AI-powered upscaling technology be used to produce higher-resolution cutscenes for some of the later “Ultima” games?
Could AI-powered upscaling technology be used to produce higher-resolution cutscenes for some of the later “Ultima” games?
Ultima 7, and Wing Commander 3 & 4, have been added to the Humble Origin Bundle.
The Humble Origin Bundle, on sale now, will soon see Ultima 7 and Wing Commander 3 and 4 added to it.
The Descent: Underground Kickstarter campaign began a day or two ago. The game, a modern sequel to Descent, has a lot of ex-Origin talent on its development team.
Inspired by the Wing Commander CIC’s efforts, the Ultima Codex is launching an attempt to archive — offline, of course — the source code for as many Ultima games as possible.
Former Origin Systems composer George Oldziey’s first album is out now!
Minis with Enemies — a clever play on “Words with Friends”, I suppose — aims to bring the full tabletop wargame experience to PCs, tablets, and other mobile devices. And it’s being worked on by several xOrigin developers. have put all of the Ultima and Wing Commander games on sale this weekend. Pick up the entire collection for under $30!
After far too long a wait, has released the fourth game in the Wing Commander series; Wing Commander 4: The Price of Freedom is available for the steal-of-a-deal price of $5.99 right now!
Austin-based composer George Oldziey, who worked on the soundtracks for a few Origin Systems games (including Ultima 9), celebrated his birthday earlier this week.