Tagged: Valve

Doug Church Joins Valve

Doug Church Joins Valve

Former Looking Glass developer Doug Church, who worked on Ultima Underworld and System Shock, has signed on with Half Life developer Valve.

The first annual Aiera Thanksgiveaway continues!

The first annual Aiera Thanksgiveaway continues!

Now with more stuff to give away! Because Steam is being extra-double awesome today, I’ve been able to expand the first annual Aiera Thanksgiveaway with the addition of Valve’s first-person platformer, Portal. Which, I...

Mythic Entertainment talking to DOSbox

Mythic Entertainment talking to DOSbox

Not that I stalk Paul Barnett’s Twitter feed or anything*: A bit over a month ago now (if memory serves), I downloaded the Commander Keen series off of Steam, and noticed how iD Software...

Games in the classroom?

Games in the classroom?

[singlepic id=85 w=300 h=140 float=right]No, I’m not talking about playing The Secret of Monkey Island on your iPhone during another boring math lecture. I’m talking about games forming a part of a course curriculum…in...