Check Out “The Sosarian Paradox”, an Unreal Engine-Powered Remake of “Escape from Mt. Drash”
An Unreal Engine-based remake of “Escape from Mt. Drash”, being built using CORE Games.
An Unreal Engine-based remake of “Escape from Mt. Drash”, being built using CORE Games.
Also some stuff about MMOs, Outriders, and cheating in X-Wing.
“Outward” – is it everything “Shroud of the Avatar” should have been? And can we all agree that “Commander Keen” was great?
“Corven – Path of Redemption” has had an interesting year (or more); let’s get caught up on what’s happening with the project.
Spearhead Games are working on a new sandbox RPG which purports to have the sort of living, “lived in” world that we know and love from Ultima.
Chlorthos Dragon joins us again to discuss the storied, troubled development and cancellation of the Ultima IX: Redemption fan project.
Nightdive Studios have dropped Unity in favour of Unreal in their ongoing efforts to produce a modern remake of System Shock.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug looks at making the transition from being a game consumer to being a game creator.
Epic Games and ChAIR Entertainment have released over 7,600 Unreal Engine assets from the Infinity Blade games.
The Fallout Series I don’t know if I mentioned this previously, but Eurogamer exalted Fallout 3 as a “Game of the Generation” at the end of October. And of course there have been more...