New Release: Underworld Exporter
A utility for exporting levels from Ultima Underworld into the Unity game engine.
A utility for exporting levels from Ultima Underworld into the Unity game engine.
Volker Elzner has released an update for Dungeons of Chaos, which corrects an issue with sprinting (among other changes).
In hindsight, it was obvious that at some point, WtFD would have to eat some of his words regarding the Kim Karsdashian iOS game.
Verison 0.0.2 of Mage Duels, an Ultima Online-inspired arena brawler, has been released for testing.
At least in the realm of PC games, physical box copies seem to be going away…with the exception of collectors editions that have lots of feelies in them.
In which we get a look at some gorgeous gameplay footage from Night Dive Studios upcoming HD remake of the original System Shock.
Now you can play through the Unity-based demo of Ultima IX: Redemption’s take on New Magincia.
So I’m really late in reporting this. By which I mean: I wrote the article draft back in November of 2015, and then forgot to post it. Be that as it may; this is...
Spam Spam Spam Humbug looks at making the transition from being a game consumer to being a game creator.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug sits down with Colby Young and Gord Moran of IronOak Games to discuss For The King, and its beginnings in The Black Gate Board Game.