Shroud of the Avatar: Another Unity Hangout Upcoming!
In advance of the release of the next Dungeon Asset Kit, Portalarium tech director Chris Spears will host a second Unity Tutorial Hangout of the Avatar next week.
In advance of the release of the next Dungeon Asset Kit, Portalarium tech director Chris Spears will host a second Unity Tutorial Hangout of the Avatar next week.
Richard Garriott was one of the keynote speakers at Unite 2013 today. He discussed his career and history in the game development industry, and the ways in which Unity was aiding and speeding the development of Shroud of the Avatar.
The latest update to the Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter page also announces a new challenge for would-be level artists: the Challenge of the Avatar scene creation jams.
Browncoat Jayson has summarzied the recent Hangout and Pen of the Avatar Google+ sessions at The Digital Lycaeum. And Portalarium have released a work-in-progress video of the female Avatar model.
Portalarium have released a second Unity asset kit for Shroud of the Avatar backers, this time focusing on placeable assets to decorate dungeons with.
Browncoat Jayson has published a lengthy primer for those considering the Unity engine as the basis for an Ultima (or any) fan project.
Tomorrow’s Hangout of the Avatar will feature Shroud of the Avatar technical director Chris Spears offering up a Unity tutorial.
The latest update to the Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter page contains several interesting bits of news.
Portalarium have released their first Unity asset kit for Developer-level backers. This one is comprised of all the assets needed to build dungeons for Shroud of the Avatar…and yes, they are accepting dungeon submissions.
The latest update to the Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter page details the creation of the Darkstarr Moondial and Metronome, and announces a new “add-on” store at the game’s website.
The most recent Hangout of the Avatar, held yesterday, showcased much of the same gameplay footage that Portalarium showed off at RTX. We also got a look at some of the editing tools being used to craft Shroud of the Avatar.