Requiescat in Pacem: Robert J. Deutsch Jr. (“Dr. Dungeon”)
The developer of the “Ultizurk” series of games passed away earlier this year.
The developer of the “Ultizurk” series of games passed away earlier this year.
Dr. Dungeon is set to work on crafting Ultizurk 4, provided he can sell 1,000 copies of another of his games, Madman.
Downloads have been fully restored on the Ultima 1 subdomain. Ultizurk downloads have also been restored.
Dr. Dungeon has posted an update on the progress of his remake of MADMAN (one of his earlier games) to the RPG Codex.
Dr. Dungeon has returned, and is working on a new isometric RPG engine!
One final Dr. Dungeon game has been made available for download. This one’s a text adventure!
When his website was shut down in Apple’s closure, Dr. Dungeon agreed to let the Ultima Codex host downloads of a few more of his games.
Dr. Dungeon’s blog, the home of his Ultizurk downloads (among other things), is offline due to Apple’s closure of the MobileMe service.
Dr. Dungeon has released the second part of Ultizurk 3 on his website, again for free.
Dr. Dungeon has released the fourth Ultizurk game, and the third numbered entry in that series.