Spam Spam Spam Humbug: Episode 14 – New Project Britannia
A new framework to be built by and for the Ultima & Shroud of the Avatar fandoms, which intends to become the go-to resource for Ultima & SotA fan projects.
A new framework to be built by and for the Ultima & Shroud of the Avatar fandoms, which intends to become the go-to resource for Ultima & SotA fan projects.
E3 has come and gone. There were actually some pretty neat things presented thereat, albeit EA has once again refused to announce a new single-player Ultima.
In which Withstand the Fury Dragon geeks out for a bit about Mass Effect 4 and Ultima 6, and muses upon the future of the Ultima Codex.
Nuvie developer Malignant Manor played through Ultima V: Lazarus and the Ultima 6 Project, and made a few mods for them as well.
The Spam Spam Spam Humbug crew take a look at Ultima 5: Warriors of Destiny.
Ian Frazier — Tibby, project director for Ultima V: Lazarus — is working on the new Mass Effect game. BioWare published a profile of him today.
Steam has put Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning on sale this weekend; you can grab the base game for just $4.99.
An Ultima fan is attempting to play through Ultima V: Lazarus, and has encountered a couple of issues in doing so.
Mike McShaffry, the project director for Ultima 8, graciously agreed to answer a number of questions from the Ultima fandom.
Pledge to Extra Life and Shroud of the Avatar during the Hearth of Britannia’s Telethon of the Avatar, and you could win a copy of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, the epic fantasy RPG designed by Ian “Tiberius” Frazier of Ultima V: Lazarus fame!
Ian “Tiberius” Frazier, Team Lazarus’ former leader, is now the lead designer for the next Mass Effect game.