Underworld Ascendant: September Prototype Video With Tim Stellmach Narration
Another look at the prototype footage for Underworld Ascendant.
Another look at the prototype footage for Underworld Ascendant.
Gordon Cameron is amassing a collection of scans of magazine ads for classic CRPGs. Naturally, several Ultima games are already represented in his gallery.
PC Gamer’s list of The Best PC Games now includes Ultima Underworld, but no longer includes Ultima 7.
Paul Neurath waxes nostalgic, examines changes in the gaming and PC hardware industries over the last quarter century, and looks forward to developing a great game.
GameInformer’s look at the history of combat in first-person games begins with Ultima Underworld.
Dino the Dark Dragon made a number of updates to his Ultima news and resource site at the beginning of the month.
In which I combine Ultima images with the “Straight Outta Compton” meme.
The response to the announcement of New Project Britannia has been overwhelming, so let’s talk a bit about what the project needs and where we want to see it go.
Shadow Beasts will be returning to the Abyss for Underworld Ascendant. Strike in all directions!
Underworld Ascendant still needs a few thousand more dollars to reach the stretch goal that will see Tyball re-appear in the Abyss as a lich.
OtherSide Entertainment have made liches (and Tyball) part of Underworld Ascendant’s $900,000 stretch goal.