Shroud of the Avatar- A Year of Portalarium: 2014 in Review
A Year of #Portalarium (and #LBSotA): 2014 in Review – In which we look at the news related to Richard Garriott, Portalarium, and Shroud of the Avatar that came out in the last year.
A Year of #Portalarium (and #LBSotA): 2014 in Review – In which we look at the news related to Richard Garriott, Portalarium, and Shroud of the Avatar that came out in the last year.
A half-hour interview with Aimee “Melaedha” Jarboe, the community manager at Citadel Studios.
ArtCraft Entertainment, co-founded by former Ultima Online producer Gordon Walton and Wizardry 101’s J. Todd Coleman, have announced Crowfall, a new MMORPG they are working on.
Massively’s Game Archaeologist has compiled a guide to…many of his writings on multiplayer games, dating back to the 1960s.
Derek Brinkmann and Tim Cotten of Citadel Studios took some time out of their busy schedules to chat with us about Shards Online and Ultima Online.
Bill Randolph graciously took over an hour out of his busy schedule to chat with us about his work at Origin Systems, especially on Ultima 9. He answered a number of questions about the game and its development, and shed some new light on its difficult development.
Publish 88.3 has been released for Ultima Online. It seems to be a bug-fixing release.
Fifteen years ago today, Ultima 9 was released. Who imagined then that it would be the swansong of Origin Systems?
Publish 88 for Ultima Online should now be available world-wide.
Citadel Studios have published a new dev diary video showcasing some of the graphical and UI enhancements made to Shards Online in recent months.