Tagged: Ultima Online
Help Pick Denis Loubet’s Next Ultima-Themed Art Project
Denis Loubet wants to draw more Ultima and Wing Commander-themed art. Help him decide!
Ultima Online: Answers and Changes
The Broadsword Online Games team address some questions about decaying houses in Ultima Online, and tease some upcoming changes they’ll be making.
New Gallery: Ultima Featured in PC Games Hardware Wissen
A short article about Ultima in a German computing and gaming magazine.
Ultima Online: Here’s How to Contact Wraith, the Player Event Coordinator
If you’ve been wondering how to contact Ultima Online’s Player Event Coordinator, here’s how.
Descent: Underground Is On Kickstarter; Several ex-Origin Developers Attached to Project
The Descent: Underground Kickstarter campaign began a day or two ago. The game, a modern sequel to Descent, has a lot of ex-Origin talent on its development team.
Ultima Online: Time of Legends = Savage Empire, Ultima II
The Ultima Online team has put together a video diary of what they have planned for Ultima Online in 2015.
Ultima Online: Publish 89 Goes Global
Publish 89 for Ultima Online will be released to all remaining shards either tonight (for European shards) or tomorrow (for North American shards).
Ultima Online: Callback Phone Support Now Offered
Broadsword Online Games will now offer phone support callbacks for Ultima Online.
Ultima Online: Publish 89 Now on Izumo, and on Origin Tomorrow Morning
Broadsword Online Games have corrected the housing issue in Ultima Online’s Publish 89, and have pushed the update out to the Origin and Izumo shards.