Ultima Journeys: Ultima 5 Finished (With Closing Thoughts)
Linguistic Dragon has finished Ultima 5, and has written up some closing thoughts about the game.
Linguistic Dragon has finished Ultima 5, and has written up some closing thoughts about the game.
Linguistic Dragon has defeated all of the Shadowlords in Ultima 5.
Linguistic Dragon has defeated the Shadowlord of Falsehood!
Linguistic Dragon is well and truly hooked on Ultima 5, and has voyaged the length and breadth of Britannia in the latest Ultima Journeys update.
Linguistic Dragon has penned his final thoughts on Ultima 4, and has begun his playthrough of Ultima 5.
Linguistic Dragon has completed his playthrough of Ultima 4.
Linguistic Dragon has very nearly completed his playthrough of Ultima 4.
Linguistic Dragon has moved on to progressing through the dungeons in Ultima 4, acquiring stones as he goes.
Linguistic Dragon continues his playthrough of Ultima 4, describing two sessions in the game.