“Corven – Path of Redemption” Will Tell the Story Written For “Ultima IX: Redemption”
Corv has been adapting the plot of the cancelled “Ultima IX: Redemption” as the story for “Corven – Path of Redemption”.
Corv has been adapting the plot of the cancelled “Ultima IX: Redemption” as the story for “Corven – Path of Redemption”.
A few remixes of pieces from the “Ultima 5”, “Ultima 6”, and “Ultima 8” soundtracks.
“Outward” – is it everything “Shroud of the Avatar” should have been? And can we all agree that “Commander Keen” was great?
“Corven – Path of Redemption” has had an interesting year (or more); let’s get caught up on what’s happening with the project.
Chlorthos Dragon joins us again to discuss the storied, troubled development and cancellation of the Ultima IX: Redemption fan project.
Matti Paalanen has released the music he composed for the now-cancelled Ultima IX: Redemption on Spotify.
It’s that time again: vote for your favourite Ultima fan project(s) of 2017.
The Titans of Ether have changed names; they’re now called Lycantic. And they have some new music and landscape art for Corven – Path of Redemption to show off.
A Wurm Unlimited player has spun up a custom server, within which she is re-creating Britannia based on how it appears in Ultima Online.
The OpenMW team are trying to create a sanitized version of the Ultima IX: Redemption data files, free of any Bethesda IP or copyrighted assets.
The Titans of Ether have released a trove of 3D models, music, story, and other assets for the now-cancelled Ultima IX: Redemption.