Ultima 3.5 Pax Britannia: Introduction Screenshots
Andrew Owen has posted a set of screenshots showing off the introduction to Ultima 3.5: Pax Britannia, his ZX Spectrum-based prequel to Ultima 4.
Andrew Owen has posted a set of screenshots showing off the introduction to Ultima 3.5: Pax Britannia, his ZX Spectrum-based prequel to Ultima 4.
Holt Ironfell has turned his remix of Stones into a chance for you — yes, you! — to win a house in Shroud of the Avatar.
Andrew Owen has released the manual for Ultima 3.5: Pax Britannia.
Goldenflame Dragon has been experimenting with time in the engine for The Dark Unknown, his browser-based, tile-based, Ultima-inspired RPG.
What happens when someone who works for a GIS software company decides to model Britannia in some pro-grade geographical software? Only good things.
A real grab-bag of links this week. Hey, did you know that Supergiant Games’ Greg Kasavin is an Ultima Dragon?
There’s a copy of Akalabeth for sale on eBay. This time, though, it isn’t a fake.
If you’re on Google+ and an Ultima Dragon, why not join the new UDIC Community there?