Shards Online: Battle of the Backers This Weekend
Citadel Studios will be allowing randomly-chosen backers of Shards Online to play an alpha build of the MMORPG this weekend.
Citadel Studios will be allowing randomly-chosen backers of Shards Online to play an alpha build of the MMORPG this weekend.
Goldenflame Dragon has finished naming points of interest on The Dark Unknown’s map, and has added the ability to learn new spells to the game.
Slashing Dragon’s attempt to port Richard Garriott’s D&D1 game, per the recently-issued challenge.
Ultima 1 popped up in an article in Spiegel, the German news magazine.
The Ultima Dragons’ group on Facebook continues to add members, as more and more Ultima fans join in the discussions there.
Goldenflame Dragon has finished his walkthrough for Ultima Underworld.
Golem Dragon is taking requests as to which piece of Ultima artwork he should vectorize next.
Mike McShaffry, the project director for Ultima 8, graciously agreed to answer a number of questions from the Ultima fandom.
Goldenflame Dragon has implemented purchasing items from merchants in The Dark Unknown.
Andrew Owen has confirmed that there will be “a trinket” for U3.5: Pax Britannia. Ultima fans love trinkets.