The Dark Unknown: Talking Doors, Palette Swaps, and Mysterious Shapes
Goldenflame Dragon has made a number of improvements to the Dark Unknown over the last week. And he has a cryptic teaser image for us, as well.
Goldenflame Dragon has made a number of improvements to the Dark Unknown over the last week. And he has a cryptic teaser image for us, as well.
Electronic Arts has announced that Ultima Forever’s online services will be shut down on August 29th, 2014, rendering the game unplayable past that date. This is a tragic end to a once-promising game.
Andrew Owen has also posted the map of Minoc as it will appear in U3.5: Pax Britannia. And he has finalized the NPC list for the game.
Andrew Owen has released an image of Trinsic as it will appear in U3.5: Pax Britannia.
The Ultima Dragons Facebook group continues to add members, and now comprises over 800 Dragons. Hast thou joined yet?
Back at the end of June, during the course of E3, Greg Kasavin and Felicia Day (Ultima Dragons both) interviewed Richard Garriott.
Spoony continues his reviews of Ultima games with a look at Runes of Virtue 2 for the Super Nintendo, and Runes of Virtue for the GameBoy.
When EA put together the Origin Store page for Ultima 9, the box art they selected turned out to be a fan-made work.
Xenerkes Dragon has been out of the Ultima fan project scene for over a decade, but he has recently decided to jump back into it with an update to his savegame editor.
Andrew Owen offers some details about the IDE and tools he is using to build U3.5: Pax Britannia.