Tagged: Ultima 9

Restored: the Ultima 9 Combined Patch

Restored: the Ultima 9 Combined Patch

Some years ago, Grandor Dragon and Novum Dragon produced a series of patches which overhauled the monster statistics, economy, and dialogue of Ultima 9, making for a generally better overall playing experience, assuming you...

Restored: Ultima 9 Patches

Restored: Ultima 9 Patches

This is actually a two-for-one deal, which actually means I’m back on schedule overall since I think I missed posting one download last week. Anyhow, I’ve restored the 1.18 and 1.19 patches for Ultima...

Ultima reviews!

Ultima reviews!

Reader enirya alerts us to the following: Spoony from spoonyexperiment.com is doing a series of reviews of the Ultima games, starting at Akalabeth and apparently he intends to go all the way up to...

Restored: Ultima 9 Extended Setup

Restored: Ultima 9 Extended Setup

If you’ve ever had the displeasure of attempting to manually edit the options.ini configuration file for Ultima 9, you might be interested to learn that there is an easier way. This utility from Xenerkes...

Restored: Ultima IX Redemption

Restored: Ultima IX Redemption

Okay, granted, there wasn’t actually a download that I needed to restore for the Redemption project entry. It still needed an updated image and a few tweaks to the descriptive text, and these have...

Titans of Ether April Update

Titans of Ether April Update

The Titans don’t have much to report on at this time, although we do bid team member Direhaggis congratulations for being granted his Ph.D! Other highlights from the report include Zini’s brief mention of...

Titans of Ether January Update

Titans of Ether January Update

Work proceeds apace on Ultima IX: Redemption — the team has been working on NPCs in places like Vesper, on dungeons like Covetous and Hythloth, and on the in-game tutorials (among many other things)....



When I was forced to switch hosting companies — moving away from Canaca over to MediaTemple — I thought I’d lost my most current version of Aiera’s file archives. Yes, I had backups, but...