Tagged: Ultima 9

Restored: Ultima 9 Extended Setup

Restored: Ultima 9 Extended Setup

If you’ve ever had the displeasure of attempting to manually edit the options.ini configuration file for Ultima 9, you might be interested to learn that there is an easier way. This utility from Xenerkes...

Restored: Ultima IX Redemption

Restored: Ultima IX Redemption

Okay, granted, there wasn’t actually a download that I needed to restore for the Redemption project entry. It still needed an updated image and a few tweaks to the descriptive text, and these have...

Titans of Ether April Update

Titans of Ether April Update

The Titans don’t have much to report on at this time, although we do bid team member Direhaggis congratulations for being granted his Ph.D! Other highlights from the report include Zini’s brief mention of...

Titans of Ether January Update

Titans of Ether January Update

Work proceeds apace on Ultima IX: Redemption — the team has been working on NPCs in places like Vesper, on dungeons like Covetous and Hythloth, and on the in-game tutorials (among many other things)....



When I was forced to switch hosting companies — moving away from Canaca over to MediaTemple — I thought I’d lost my most current version of Aiera’s file archives. Yes, I had backups, but...

Forgotten World forum

Forgotten World forum

The team at Forgotten World have made an arrangement with the Titans of Ether to set up a discussion area for their project at the Titans’ forums. I’m thinking I may need to make...

Beautiful Britannia demo released!

Beautiful Britannia demo released!

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the release of Ultima 9, Firstknight and the rest of the Beautiful Britannia team have decided to release an early demo of their ambitious in-engine project to make...

Titans of Ether November Update

Titans of Ether November Update

Buried in the middle of an otherwise fairly standard update is this little gem: Direhaggis: I’m not going to get too ecstatic about it…but…I am about 10 hours away from finishing writing the main...