Tagged: Ultima 8

Attention, Pentagram Developers!

Attention, Pentagram Developers!

To anyone reading this site who might be working — or who has, in the past, worked — on Pentagram, the Ultima 8 environment — I have a question on behalf of a reader....

New Year's News

New Year's News

First off, Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that you were able to ring in 2008 in a way that was both safe and enjoyable for you and your friends or family; I...

A few old utilities

A few old utilities

I was going through the Ultima FTP Archive and noticed that there were a few things there which had not been added to Aiera, but which probably should have been added a goodly while...

This has been a busy week for the remakes!

This has been a busy week for the remakes!

There were quite a few updates that I noticed in my last not-quite-daily stroll through the remake community. Ultima IX: Redemption There’s not exactly a new update at the Redemption website, but Direhaggis did...