Ultima 8 Exile: Recovered Media at Dino’s Ultima Page
Dino the Dark Dragon has found a few images and soundtrack pieces from the long-cancelled Ultima 8: Exile remake.
Dino the Dark Dragon has found a few images and soundtrack pieces from the long-cancelled Ultima 8: Exile remake.
Koden-KM has made a few updates to his old attempt to remake Ultima 8 using Neverwinter Nights.
There’s a new Ultima 8 remake project, which uses Minecraft as its engine. The same developer previously attempted to use Neverwinter Nights to remake Ultima 8.
Iceblade has released “The Recovery of the Moonstones, Volume 1”, the first in a series of stories set prior to Ultima 9 (and Forgotten World) that chronicle the adventures of Mariah the mage.
To mark the 20th anniversary of Ultima 8’s release, the Ultima Codex interviewed one of the game’s most well-known team members, programmer and designer Jason Ely.
The eighth — and darkest — chapter in the Ultima series was released twenty years ago today.
In which we look at the various Ultima fan projects that have been active, even if only briefly, in 2013, and note the progress that these have made.
Elderlands, the 2D tile-based MMORPG by Jason Ely (of Ultima 8 fame) has entered an open alpha test. Try it today!
slashgravatar has made a few more improvements to his Ultima 4-inspired demake of Ultima 8. Hit animations and indicators for the currently active player in a fight have been implemented.
The latest update concerning Morgaelin, the Ultima 4-inspired demake of Ultima 8, brings news of a new combat system…and an ill fate to Rustic Dragon and the Hearth of Britannia.