Tagged: Ultima 7

Spoony reviews Ultima 7 (finally!)

Spoony reviews Ultima 7 (finally!)

And wow…it’s a long one: He even throws a mention in the direction of Martian Dreams and Savage Empire. Still no love for the engine, though. You’ll also appreciate the mention of Origin Systems’…er…tendency...

Added: Ultima Textures for Minecraft.

Added: Ultima Textures for Minecraft.

As the project name suggests, this is a package of textures to replace the default texture set in Minecraft, which will make the scenery look a little more Ultima-like. The majority of the textures...

xu4 resumes development

xu4 resumes development

Andrew Taylor’s SDL-based re-creation of Ultima 4 was intended to be a cross-platform version of the game, much as Exult is for Ultima 7. The project fell dormant after 2008, but has since been...

Added: Serpent Isle – An Oblivion Mod

Added: Serpent Isle – An Oblivion Mod

Now this is how you bid farewell to the year gone by! The announcement of this remake also serves, in a way, as the cancellation notice for Thepal’s previous Ultima remake attempt, Infinity Eternal....

The Feudal Lands is back in action

The Feudal Lands is back in action

After a few months of silence, Wizardry Dragon has posted an update to the The Feudal Lands website, announcing his return to work on the project after a computer crash that ended up taking...

New Project: Ultima Obscura

New Project: Ultima Obscura

And remember: the first annual Aiera Thanksgiveaway is still on! This is an interesting-looking project, though still in the conceptual stage. It bills itself as “complete and total re-imagining of the entire linear canonical...

Added: Britannia Map for The Moon Project

Added: Britannia Map for The Moon Project

What is it? It’s a recreation, by Ryan “Zerker” Armstrong, of the entire world from Ultima 7 for The Moon Project, a science fiction RTS released in 2000 as a sequel to the excellent...